
The concept of strategic thinking

The ability to examine and analyze the external and internal environment of your organization and make future predictions for each of the opportunities and risks that the organization may face in the future and prepare for them with alternatives and possibilities, risk prevention programs and opportunity seizure programs through strategic thinking. You can move your organization step by step quickly and steadily towards a clear, built vision On sound and realistic foundations, working on positive change of the reality and future of the institution and how to exploit the external and internal factors of the institution.


Organization strategy

It focuses on describing the general direction of the organization in terms of trends towards growth, methods of managing multiple activities and product lines, and how to achieve balance in its investment portfolio or products. The organization’s strategy reflects decision models regarding the type of activity that the organization should engage in, the flow of financial and non-financial resources to and from departments, the relationship between the organization and interest groups, and the entrances that the organization can use to increase the return on investment. The organization’s strategy takes one of three forms:

A - Stability Strategy

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Or what is sometimes called a limited growth strategy, and it is the best strategic alternative for a successful organization, and it works in a relatively stable industry and in a non-turbulent external environment, and according to this strategy, the organization seeks to continue its current approach and methods by focusing on what it has presented in order to enhance and improve its competitive environment.

B - growth strategy

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It is the strategy that adopts growth by increasing sales and profits or market share alone if growth is an expected result in increasing the value of the organization.

C - a shrink or contraction strategy

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It is the strategy that organizations adopt when the performance of business units in the organizations is low, and a contractionary strategy must be followed in line with the reality of the organizations’ low performance.

الدراسة في المانيا

Defining the vision of the organization

There are many definitions of the vision, and in English (Vision), however, its definition can be summarized as an ambitious future description of what the organization wants to achieve, or the individual, and the duration of its achievement ranges on the medium or long level, i.e. the distant future, so that the main goal of writing it is to use it as a guide in choosing the direction of the organization in Its activities, policies and events, now and in the future.

Define the organization’s mission Strategic Thinking

The mission is defined in administrative sciences and in English (Mission) as a brief summary of the process of brief explanation of the purpose of the organization’s existence, or in other words what the purpose of its existence is, as the message describes the overall goal of the organization, and it is a tool that directs employees, customers and stakeholders, and draws their attention with enthusiasm and passion towards goals the organization.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are business metrics used by corporate executives and other managers to track and analyze factors that are critical to an organization’s success. Effective KPIs focus on the business processes and functions that top management view as most important for measuring progress towards achieving strategic goals and performance targets.


Types of KPIs: Strategic Thinking


1- Lagging indicators
Performance indicators that measure business results, such as earnings growth and quarterly revenues, are referred to as lagging indicators because they track things that have actually happened .. Yes, they are performance indicators but they are not KPIs.
2. Promising indications
By comparison, KPIs that hold promise for upcoming business developments – for example, sales bookings that will generate revenue in future quarters – are known as key indicators.
3. Quantitative indicators
There is also a difference between quantitative indicators that have a numerical basis .. such as, for example, inventory movement, customer orders, and the like.
4. Qualitative indicators
They are more abstract and open to interpretation, such as evaluating a user’s experience with a product or on a website.


In the case of qualitative indicators, identifying useful KPIs may be difficult .. Their choice depends on the organization’s ability to actually measure them in some way .. For example, the percentage of transactions abandoned in online shopping carts may be one of the customer experience indicators on a website For retail sale.



Strategic Thinking

Innovation is the ability to develop an idea, work, design, style or anything else in a better, easier, more usable and feasible way, and there is a great confusion between innovation and invention among the general public; Innovation is what we referred to previously. As for invention, it is creating the idea, design, or method from nothing, so that it has never been seen before, and it is not a requirement that the invention be feasible.

Characteristics of the innovator In order for a person to be an innovator, he must have several characteristics, most notably: Strategic Thinking


● initiative and leadership.
● Motivation for achievement.
● A sense of responsibility.
● Positive thinking.
● The ability to share and interact with others.
● Perseverance and persistence.
● Ambition and high motivation.
● Self-confidence and a feeling of being able to achieve something.


Creating innovation environments Work begins to inculcate innovative personality traits since childhood through several axes:


● the family.
● school.
● Friends and colleagues.


2- Graduated scale: It is a type of list that contains the following grades: 5 excellent, 4 very good, 3 good, 2 acceptable, and 1 poor, and each of them has weights according to its role in the process.


3- Benchmarking: applying a comparison between the performance of two employees. In order to find out which employee is considered superior to his colleague, and then all comparisons are collected to rank employees according to their performance.


The concept of sustainability

It is a concept called the biological environment, the variety of living organisms, and the natural factors that maintain their existence for the longest possible period of time, and sustainability is also defined as preserving the quality of life by adapting to the environment by exploiting natural resources for the longest possible period of time that leads to the preservation of the continuation of life, Another definition of the concept of sustainability is that it is a set of vital processes that provide means of life for living organisms of all kinds, which helps them to preserve the succession of their generations, and to develop the means of their growth over time.


Principles of sustainability The application of sustainability in any vital environment depends on four principles, which are: Scope of sustainability: It is the field or community on which sustainability is applied, and its existence is usually linked to a set of social, economic and environmental factors that together form the full support for the scope of sustainability With all its ingredients. Consumption: It is the rate of utilization of the natural ingredients that are an important incentive to sustain the life of living organisms, and the higher the consumption rate, the more that leads to the preservation of the sustainability of life, and vice versa. Resources: They are all the natural and industrial resources that contribute to supporting the scope of sustainability to play its role. When the resources are sufficient and appropriate for the number of living organisms, this leads to Maintaining the sustainability of its life for as long as possible. Technology: It is the modern scientific impact on the nature of life that leads to its development. When technology is used correctly, it leads to maintaining sustainability by providing a set of recent scientific discoveries in the field of medicine and biology.


Sustainability goals Provide a set of solutions to maintain global food ratios. Reducing poverty rates, and trying to find alternative ways to treat economic crises that provide equal financial shares for individuals. Ensure the provision of comprehensive and adequate education that preserves sustainability, through the emergence of new studies that provide ideas for adequate support for sustainability. Utilizing natural and industrial energy sources to provide materials based on them at reasonable prices, and within the financial capabilities of people. Ensuring the provision of a health sector capable of reducing the spread of diseases, and providing appropriate treatments to reduce global health crises.

تبدأ الدورة القادمة في 15/ 3/ 2021

المهندس نادر الشوا


الخبرة الدولية أكثر من ٣٠ عاما في التدريب والاستشارات الادارية، التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتنفيذ الاستراتيجية، ادارة التغيير، ادارة الاداء والتميز المؤسسي نادر حاصل على البكالوريوس في هندسة الاتصالات من جامعة الاسكندرية والماجستير في ادارة الاعمال من هولندا تخصص ادارة الاعمال الدولية. وهو ايضاً مدرب معتمد من بالاديوم (كابلان و نورتون) في بطاقة الاداء المتوازن BSC. الحيود السداسي ( (Lean Six Segma بالاضافة الى العديد من الانجازات في مجال الجودة والجودة الشاملة وادارة المشارع. عضو في المجلس الاستشاري لجامعة العين، عضو في الهيئة الادارية لجمعية الاستشاريين الاداريين في الاردن IMC والعديد من الجمعيات المحلية والدولية مدرب معتمد من اتحاد المدربين العرب وجامعة الدول العربية لديه خبرة محلية في الشرق الاوسط واوروبا

زيارتكم لنا تظهر المزايا العديدة التي ننفرد بهــــا،،،

مكتب MLB للدراسة في الخارج، هو نفس موقع مركز اللغات الحديث، عمان  جبل اللويبدة، شارع مرتضى الزبيدي،  فيلا رقم 39 ورقم 41

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