What is a SWOT analysis?
SWOT analysis (in English: SWOT Analysis) or SWOT analysis is an analytical method that helps to identify points of weakness and strength, and to understand the type of threats and the nature of the opportunities available and affecting the enterprises, and SWOT analysis is an important system for preparing and designing business sector strategies; By presenting a set of plans, whether short or long term. [1] Volume 0%
SWOT Analysis
Threats = التهديدات
They are the elements that constitute influences from outside the facility or project, lead to being affected by a clear threat, and result in disturbance in the work environment of the facility or project.
Opportunities = الفُرص
They are the elements that represent external factors belonging to the facility or project, and reflect positive effects, for example, they may help to increase the rate of profit or increase the sale of products, and the opportunities also constitute all the trends or conditions that help to achieve the desired goal
Weaknesses = نقاط الضعف
The elements that can make a particular project less likely to succeed, which the company lacks and prevents it from performing at the optimum level, and it is what the company needs to improve in order to remain competitive.
Strengths = نقاط القوة
The strengths describe the core competencies of a business, the strategic factors that might make a particular enterprise more likely to succeed and the areas in which the business might be distinct compared to other similar businesses, and all that the organization outperforms and separates it from the competition.
Strategies for SWOT Analysis

الاستراتيجيّة الانكماشيّة:
It is the strategy that is used when the facility confronts the elements of weakness emanating from within and a group of threats from outside it, and the deflationary strategy is keen to provide a treatment for weakness and reduce as much as possible of the threats.

الاستراتيجيّة الدفاعيّة:
It is the strategy that is used when the facility confronts the elements of weakness emanating from within and a group of threats from outside it, and the deflationary strategy is keen to provide a treatment for weakness and reduce as much as possible of the threats.

الاستراتيجيّة العلاجيّة:
It is the strategy that indicates that the facility has many opportunities, but it is affected by several weaknesses that make it unable to take advantage of these opportunities, so the therapeutic strategy contributes to providing the appropriate treatment to correct the weakness that the facility suffers from.

الاستراتيجيّة الهجوميّة:
It is the strategy based on the facility’s possession of elements of power and many opportunities, so the facility is keen to implement an offensive strategy to take advantage of all opportunities and enhance its strength.
خطوات عمل تحليل السوات SWOT

1 – تحديد أهدافك من تحليل السوات SWOT:
To get the most out of the analysis, you should have a goal you are primarily pursuing. This helps define what you should be doing, for example your company may plan to enter new markets.

2 – البحث في السوق
Before beginning a SWOT analysis, you will need to understand your business and the market by speaking with partners, employees, clients, and researching your competitors.

3 – اذكر نقاط القوة في مشروعك
Identify the strengths of your business. Examples could include the strengths of your brand, employee efficiency, finances and the location of your business, cost advantages and competitiveness.

4 – تحدد نقاط الضعف
List the things that you consider weaknesses in your business, that is, those that could put your business at a disadvantage. Weaknesses could include, for example, the inability to gain new customers, employees ’lack of competence, your low market share

5 – تحديد الفرص المحتملة
This step is to identify the opportunities facing your business, product, or project. Opportunities refer to those positive things that are out of your control that could have an effect on you

6 – تحديد التهديدات
List the external factors that could pose a threat or cause harm to your business, such as increased competition, higher interest rates, and changes occurring in global markets.
Once you have answered these questions and finalized your listings, you can now use SWOT Analysis to develop strategies for achieving your business goals. Here is the following practical example of how to analyze a swat.
How important is SWOT analysis for Companies?
1- The SWOT analysis helps to know all the elements of power that can be used to deal with threats and obstacles, and also provides appropriate means to take advantage of the available opportunities, and reduces the control resulting from the elements of weakness affecting the efficiency of the organization’s work.
2- The SWOT analysis contributes to providing appropriate treatments for complex strategic situations. By reducing the amount of information to contribute to the development of decision-making.
3- The SWOT analysis provides the establishments with the ability to choose the best system and review all data and information.
4- SWOT analysis supports organizations in reaching the best types of planning that helps achieve goals.
5- SWOT Analysis is keen to overcome the barriers and obstacles affecting change processes, and clarify the nature of the restrictions that prevent the continuation of change.
6- SWOT Analysis provides information on all its elements that include threats, strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses; In order to implement a useful facility analysis.
7- SWOT Analysis provides the possibility of obtaining new and modern solutions to problems, effective decision-making, and enhancing the role of exchange of ideas and communication between individuals. The SWOT analysis provides appropriate recommendations for preparing economic feasibility studies for projects.
تبدأ الدورة القادمة في 15/ 3/ 2021
المهندس نادر الشوى
الخبرة الدولية أكثر من ٣٠ عاما في التدريب والاستشارات الادارية، التخطيط الاستراتيجي وتنفيذ الاستراتيجية، ادارة التغيير، ادارة الاداء والتميز المؤسسي نادر حاصل على البكالوريوس في هندسة الاتصالات من جامعة الاسكندرية والماجستير في ادارة الاعمال من هولندا تخصص ادارة الاعمال الدولية. وهو ايضاً مدرب معتمد من بالاديوم (كابلان و نورتون) في بطاقة الاداء المتوازن BSC. الحيود السداسي ( (Lean Six Segma بالاضافة الى العديد من الانجازات في مجال الجودة والجودة الشاملة وادارة المشارع. عضو في المجلس الاستشاري لجامعة العين، عضو في الهيئة الادارية لجمعية الاستشاريين الاداريين في الاردن IMC والعديد من الجمعيات المحلية والدولية مدرب معتمد من اتحاد المدربين العرب وجامعة الدول العربية لديه خبرة محلية في الشرق الاوسط واوروبا
SWOT Analysis Model and Matrix

The model and matrix of a SWOT analysis The strategic situation analysis within the business environment is based on a model called the dual or dual model of performance and the environment. The SWOT analysis is a quadruple matrix consisting of the elements of weakness, strength, threats, and opportunities. The SWOT analysis model appears according to the following form: 4]
زيارتكم لنا تظهر المزايا العديدة التي ننفرد بهــــا،،،
مكتب MLB للدراسة في الخارج، هو نفس موقع مركز اللغات الحديث، عمان جبل اللويبدة، شارع مرتضى الزبيدي، فيلا رقم 39 ورقم 41