Spanish Language
 /  Spanish language Courses

Your steps to master the Spanish language

Spanish Language Courses You will learn Spanish easily with our interactive system that covers the four skills: reading and writing – listening and speaking in addition to learning with our (foreign / Arab) teachers who are competent and have degrees specializing in learning Spanish and who have a certificate to teach the language to non-native speakers.
? Securing university admissions to study in Spanish?
TESOL Teaching Spanish to Speakers of Other Languages و
10:00 AM

Features of the Spanish language courses

 I Morning courses, 32 study hours || 9:15 – 11:05 or 11:15 – 1:05 (Sunday to Wednesday) are intense

II Evening courses 42 study hours || 4:15 – 6:05 or 6:15 – 8:05 (Sunday to Thursday) intense

Placement test in order to start the study at the level that suits you best. Placement test times are from (9:00 – 6:00) in the evening

An interactive level to learn Spanish

We will give you a study plan that suits the time available to you and choose the appropriate level, and progress reports in the level, so that your educational journey begins with a correct and appropriate start.

Our teachers are distinguished and have accredited certificates that qualify them to teach the Spanish language ably

? Securing university admissions to study abroad ?

    From the promotion ceremony for Major Steve McNaughton after he got promoted from Captain to the rank of Major, in the presence of His Excellency Ambassador Miles Armitage and the Defence Attaché Mr. Christopher Buxton at the Australian Embassy in Amman.

    Progress Bar

    American, Canadian, Brazilian
    German, UK, Spain, Italian, Turkish
    Japanese, South_Korea, China, Russian
    Indonesian, Malaysia

    Student's life at MLC

    John the Baptist
    John the Baptist
    PETRA one of the 7 wonders of the world
    PETRA one of the 7 wonders of the world
    Mr. Faris Awad dinner at home invitation…
    Mr. Faris Awad dinner at home invitation…
    We are next to the BOULEVARD
    We are next to the BOULEVARD
    Welcome to Carting for all ages
    Welcome to Carting for all ages
    The Dead Sea
    The Dead Sea
    What to See in Amman
    What to See in Amman
    Enjoy MLC location in Jabal El-Weibdeh
    Enjoy MLC location in Jabal El-Weibdeh
    Madaba City & Mount Nebo
    Madaba City & Mount Nebo
    Jordan tradition sweet and cookies
    Jordan tradition sweet and cookies
    Discover the delights of Jordan’s Red Sea
    Discover the delights of Jordan’s Red Sea
    MLC Graduation Parties
    MLC Graduation Parties
    Visiting Jordanian Families
    Visiting Jordanian Families

    Contact Information

    Mob: +962 770 40 40 89
    WhatsApp: +962 79 55 88 400

    Tel. +962 6 462 55 82  /  0795588400

    BOX 928007 Al-Abdali 11190
    Jabal Elweibdeh next to the
    police head department

    Map Location
