
MLC teachers love teaching languages, we want you to have a great time learning with us. as a result they are highly specialized educationally and professionally in teaching English. They are graduates of reputable universities with long teaching experiences.

المعلمون عرب وأجانب جميعهم تخصص تعليم لغات أجنبية وهم من حملة درجة الدكتوراه والماجستير

Marketing & IT Manager

  • Mohamad Shorofa
    Mohamad Shorofa
    MLC, Marketing & IT Manager

    Mohamad Shorafa is a content marketer who formerly worked out of Unbounce’s Montreal office. A writer by day and a reader by night, he is loathed to discuss himself in the third person but can be persuaded to do so from time to time. Social Media Marketing Expert, experience in Facebook Ads.

Japanese Teacher

  • Basem Daboubi
    Basem Daboubi
    MLC, Japanese Teacher

    こんにちは 。 私の名前はBasemです。 私は日本語の先生です 日本語は素晴らしく、重要な言語です 今すぐ 仕事と貿易にとって日本語は重要です アラブ人に日本語を教えるための非常に興味深い本があります 近いうちにお会いできることを楽しみにしています   Japanese language is a wonderful and important for work and trade right now. There are very useful books for Arabs to learn Japanese. I am looking forward to seeing you in soon.  

English Teachers

  • Tomas Hubatka
    Tomas Hubatka
    MLC, English Teacher

    As a small child I kept asking myself how anyone could ever feel confident enough to become a teacher. I was sure, and I tested, that none of my teachers knew everything about their subject. So how could people, who themselves needed other people to learn from, teach me?

    I then found, that the best teachers I ever had weren’t those who had the most impressive titles but rather those who listened to me, to my questions, to my stories and to my problems. They weren’t pretending to be interested, their curiosity was genuine.

    Over the last 8 years of my teaching career I have been fortunate enough to listen to and learn from my students. The process of learning is a team effort, whereby the teacher’s guidance is picked up in the student’s active response. We learn from each other, at school, in life, in general.

    This way the student can grow individually, and the teacher does his best to understand the student’s needs.

    Ideally, after a few weeks of this process, students, when asked how they feel about their progress, and how they would compare their abilities before and after, they just smile and ask not to be reminded.

    Speaking and reasoning in the target language becomes natural, grammar and vocabulary are taught directly as well as ‘through the back door’. Intensive dialogue and questioning, thought expression and fluent speech improve naturally.

    Give it a try, jump and swim!

  • Kevin Vernou
    Kevin Vernou
    MLC English Teacher

    I’m proud to be a part of the team here at MLC. Our center sets the (high) standard for language education in Jordan. Being an English teacher means that I’m giving opportunities to children and adults that realize how English fluency can impact their lives and give them chances they would otherwise not have. As

  • K Durkan
    K Durkan
    English Teacher

    A great experience Working at the Modern Language Center has been a great experience. Teaching students of every level has been very rewarding, especially when I can track their progress throughout the terms. Not only is the community at MLC really friendly, but the center itself is a great place to teach, learn, and meet

  • Ben H.
    Ben H.
    English Teacher

    “It is a pleasure to teach English at MLC. I thoroughly enjoy passing on language skills and cultural information to Jordanian students. The majority of those who study at MLC have a great sense of humour and are always interested to learn more about the world around them. As a teacher, I take classes ranging

  • Abdallah Omar
    Abdallah Omar
    English Teacher

    As a matter of fact, I’ve been teaching at MLC for nearly 17 years now.  It is the best place for learning & teaching where it is easy to see growth & progress. Flexibility is the key to this job. I work with great directors and assistants in a friendly atmosphere. نحن ، في MLC

  • Rana Al-Jamal
    Rana Al-Jamal
    English Teacher

    Being a teacher at MLC helps me meet amazing students all around Jordan. These pupils arrive to MLC to learn the Language in a new way; to build necessary confidence to speak, write & enjoy such skills when they go back to their real world. The center provides the teachers with all needed equipment, trust

  • Ead Batarseh
    Ead Batarseh
    English Teacher

    I was first introduced to the Modern Language Center (MLC) in1977, seven years after its inauguration in 1970. This Jordanian educational landmark has served as a turning point in the development of language learning (English, German, Arabic as a foreign language, Turkish, etc.) of students for many years, particularly their command of English and their

Turkish Teachers

  • Alaa Al-Sabe’
    Alaa Al-Sabe’
    MLC, Turkish Teaher

    Dünyadaki farklı insanlarla bağlantı kurmanın anahtarı dillerini bilmek ve öğrenmektir.

    Yeni bir dil öğrenmenin kolay bir şey olmadığını herkes bilir, fakat neyse ki Türkçe gerçekten Arapçaya çok yakın. İki dil arasında 1000’den fazla ortak kelime var; bu nedenle öğrenci, Türkçe dilinde yeni, farklı ve bazen komik bir şekilde kullanılan anadilinin sözcüklerini duyduğunda çok hoşlanır.

    Türk dilini Araplar için kolaylaştıran bir başka şey de, resmi Türkçe ile halk dilinin arasında büyük bir fark olmamasıdır.

    Aslında eğitim benim için bir hobi. Her zaman sınıfı aktif ve eğlenceli hale getirmek için yeni yöntemler bulmaya çalışırım. MLC bana farklı yaşlardaki öğrencilerle ilgilenme ve yeni arkadaşlar edinme şansı veriyor.

    ان مفتاح التواصل مع مختلف الشعوب في جميع أنحاء العالم هو معرفة لغتهم وتعلمها.
    حيث يعلم الجميع أن تعلم لغة جديدة ليس بالأمر السهل، ولكن لحسن الحظ اللغة التركية قريبة جدًا من اللغة العربية. حيث يوجد اكثر من الف كلمة مشتركة بين اللغتين؛ ولهذا السبب يستمتع الطالب كثيرا عندما يسمع مفردات لغته الام مستخدمة في اللغة التركية بطريقة جديدة ومختلفة وبعض الاحيان مضحكة.
    شيء اخر يجعل اللغة التركية سهلة بالنسبة للعرب وهو انه لا يوجد فرق كبير بين اللغة التركية الفصحى والعامية .

    في الواقع ، اعتبر التعليم هواية بالنسبة لي. حيث احاول دائما البحث عن طرق لجعل الدرس فعال وممتع. الجميل في مركز اللغات الحديث انه يعطيني الفرصة للتعامل مع طلاب من اعمار مختلفة وايضا يساعدني على تكوين صداقات جديدة

  • Hiba Majali
    Hiba Majali
    MLC - Turkish Teacher

    My name is Hiba Al Majali, I am a Turkish language teacher at MLC. Turkish language has around 75 million native speakers, mainly in Turkey and the surrounding countries. It is spoken in more than 30 countries where it is not an official language, including Germany with two million Turkish speakers. MLC is a language

German Teachers

  • Prof. Yazan Jaafar
    Prof. Yazan Jaafar
    Yazan Jafar, German Teacher

    Yazan Jaafar ist mein Name , ich bin Syrer und komme hier , um Deutsch beizubringen.
    Also , Spaß beim Lernen der deutschen Sprache ist mein Ziel.
    Wovon träume ich ständig ?

    Mein Traum ist Master in DaF / DaZ abzuschließen und gerne auch , dass ich diesen Traum neben meinem Job als Deutschlehrer am MLC erreichen würde

  • Tomas Hubatka
    Tomas Hubatka
    Tomas Hubatka, German Teacher

    As a small child I kept asking myself how anyone could ever feel confident enough to become a teacher. I was sure, and I tested, that none of my teachers knew everything about their subject. So how could people, who themselves needed other people to learn from, teach me?

    I then found, that the best teachers I ever had weren’t those who had the most impressive titles but rather those who listened to me, to my questions, to my stories and to my problems. They weren’t pretending to be interested, their curiosity was genuine.

    Over the last 8 years of my teaching career I have been fortunate enough to listen to and learn from my students. The process of learning is a team effort, whereby the teacher’s guidance is picked up in the student’s active response. We learn from each other, at school, in life, in general.

    This way the student can grow individually, and the teacher does his best to understand the student’s needs.

    Ideally, after a few weeks of this process, students, when asked how they feel about their progress, and how they would compare their abilities before and after, they just smile and ask not to be reminded.

    Speaking and reasoning in the target language becomes natural, grammar and vocabulary are taught directly as well as ‘through the back door’. Intensive dialogue and questioning, thought expression and fluent speech improve naturally.

    Give it a try, jump and swim!

  • Christin Scholz
    Christin Scholz
    MLC, German Teacher

    Mein Name ist Christina, ich liebe Sprachen und experimentiere mit Sprachen schon seit dem ich klein bin und die ersten Saetze schreiben kann. Sprachen sind eines der staerksten Kommunikatioswege die wir besitzen. Sprache bringt uns zusammen und gibt uns die Faehigkeit, unser Wissen und Schaetze teilen zu koennen. Also lasst uns zusammen eintauchen in diese

  • Abdo Qasem
    Abdo Qasem
    MLC, German Teacher

    Deutsch ist heutzutage eine der wichtigsten Sprachen der Welt. Vor der Klasse zu stehen, um Deutsch zu lehren, gilt als eines meiner Hobbys, denn Spaß beim Lernen ist ein wichtiger Aspekt sowohl für mich als auch für meine Studies. Deutschlehren und lernen mit Leidenschaft führen zur gegenseitigen Motivation zwischen Studenten und mir. Außerdem bietet das

Arabic for non-native speakers

  • Hussam Harasees
    Hussam Harasees
    MLC, Arabic Teacher

    برزت اهمية تعلم اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها بشكل كبير منذ الالفية الثانية كونها لغة واسعة الانتشار .حتى ان بعض الدول غير العربية ادخلتها في مناهج التعليم واعتبرتها لغة ثانية مثل تركيا وكوريا. مركز اللغات الحديث تعهد ومنذ زمن بحمل رسالة الاهتمام باللغة العربية من خلال تدريسها بكافة مستوياتها للناطقين بغيرها .سواء كانت فصيحة او عامية

  • Ms. Rana Abu Samra
    Ms. Rana Abu Samra
    MLC, Arabic Teacher

    I have taught all levels of Standard (classic) Arabic, Jordanian colloquial, and Media Arabic Programs for many students from all around the world: America, Germany, South Korea, Japan, China, England, Spain, Greece, France, Australia, Italy and India ..etc. My favorite part of my work is that it’s not limited to teaching language, but it also

  • Dr. Ali Hawatmeh
    Dr. Ali Hawatmeh
    MLC, Arabic Teacher

    يتميز المركز بالريادة والجدية والإبداع. كما أنه يرفد سوق العمل بالكثير من الكفاءات المميزة

  • Mohd. Nour
    Mohd. Nour
    MLC, Arabic Teacher

    اخترتُ مركز اللغات الحديث كوجهة تعليمية لي؛ لأنه البيئة الدراسيّة الخصبة للطالب؛ إذ إنّ المركز يصقل شخصيات الطلبة بما يتلائم مع استراتيجيات التعلم الحديث القائمة على احتواء الطالب، وجعله عنصرا فعالا في العملية التعليمية أبرز أساليبي في التعليم، هي قدرتي على توظيف قدرات الطالب بطريقة تجعله شعلة متوهجة في بحر اللغة العربية؛ بحيث يرى الطالب

Contact Information

Mob: +962 770 40 40 89
WhatsApp: +962 79 55 88 400

Tel. +962 6 462 55 82  /  0795588400

BOX 928007 Al-Abdali 11190
Jabal Elweibdeh next to the
police head department

Map Location
