Our Students
 /  Our Students


International Students

It’s been years now that we have been learning English to make communication easier for all of us. Now the time has come for non-Arab people to learn Arabic. MLC has just completed an Arabic course to make it easier for foreigners to study Arabic. Please pay us a visit at MLC, I am sure you will not be disappointed. Paradoxically, you will not only love it, but you will enjoy it.


Employees & Business Men

Business men and private organizations got the lion’s share. This is where they need us the most. We extend our technical assistance to them, vocational and educational as well. This is a mutual cooperation so that they can fulfill their objectives.


University Students

We always look for our graduates to make it through colleges & universities. It is required that all graduates in Jordan, must pass the TOEFL or the IELTS; in order to obtain their degrees. MLC are committed to our future generations to pass one of these international tests. It’s through us (MLC) they make their dream materialize.


Young Learners

Summer courses for high school kids are the backbone of our summer activities. Our summer program is two folds: a) English teaching which is the focus of our attention. b) summer activities including skiing, swimming, horse riding, trips by bus, and many others. Our students enjoy both the humidity and humanity of the nature of our trips.


Housewives Students

Housewives are usually good participants, they form social gatherings during their free time in the mornings. They get to know each other and benefit from their special conversational course with an American teacher. They feel they belong to a women’s club in which they discuss many things, including cooking, recipes and most important of all fashion in English.

Contact Information

Mob: +962 770 40 40 89
WhatsApp: +962 79 55 88 400

Tel. +962 6 462 55 82  /  0795588400

BOX 928007 Al-Abdali 11190
Jabal Elweibdeh next to the
police head department

Map Location
