3 أكتوبرHow can I improve my Writing score?
It is vital to fulfil the Writing task, especially Task 2, in order to demonstrate your skills. Writing Task 2 is worth twice as many marks as Task 1. 25 percent of the Writing score for Task 2 (GT and Academic) is based on the completeness of the response. Make sure you respond to all parts of the task. This criterion is referred to as “Task Response”. If all parts of the Writing Task 2 are addressed, a person will score band 6 or higher for this quarter of their Task 2 score. If the task is not fully addressed, an examiner must award less than band 6 for this criterion. So responding to every individual part of a Writing task is very important. The remaining 75 percent of the score for Task 2 in Writing is based on vocabulary, accurate grammar and the structure and linking of ideas.