22 يونيوGhoroub, 27 years old lady,
Married with five kids, said that after they left their home and came to Jordan as refugees, her psychological condition became so bad; she became angry all the time, couldn’t deal with her kids and husband,. She used to beat her kids and send them away from her. She heard about Caritas program and this training and her friend encouraged her to participate in. With time, she felt that she should change her attitude thanks to the course, specially the part that included parenting and dealing with children and how to communicate with them. She said that the words used by the trainer are kept repeated in her mind and that helped her to change her attitude and be more relaxed and patient. She said: now I started talking and commutation with my kids and holding them to my lap, which gave her a new hope and wellness. Now, she started to work in a nursery and this has also helped to improve their financial condition.