Modern Language Center Training Aid
 /  برنامج اللاجئين في الاردن

Working with Partners

Refugees Programs in jordan MLC coordinates the refugee response under the leadership of the Government of Jordan, in a collaborative effort between the donor community, UN agencies, European Union, international and national NGOs, community-based organizations, refugees and host communities.

Our partnership started well over seven years when we  design different programs for number of Syrian and Iraqi refugees allocated in different regions of the kingdom (Amman, Irbid, Huson, Madaba, Zarqa, Aqaba, Karak, Al-Balqa, Downtown Aria).

  • All trainers can be in different arias at the same time.
  • Providing Meals form our cafeteria.
  • Cooperation with the CBOS for the special cases

Main Activities

Identify capacity needs of training providers and develop a training programme relevant to community market based assessment and training programmes competency based. Some of the courses offered are listed below, but are not limited to:

General Life Skills

Health, Hygiene and Safety Awareness and Tools
Basic Language Skills (English and/or Arabic)
Peace building and conflict resolution


Occupational and Technical Skills

Agriculture and Agro culture
Farming and Gardening
Food Processing
Cooking and Baking


Construction and Post-War Reconstruction

Post-War Reconstruction
Basic Construction and Renovation


  • CARE
  • UN
  • UNRWA Jordan
  • Enjaz Development
  • UNICEF "Bloudan Syria"
  • Red Crescent Jordan
Home based or family and children oriented services

Basic Elderly Care



Various Handicrafts
Packaging and Labelling



Collecting, Reusing and Recycling

Refugee training program to raise skills and accept the others

Refugee training program to raise skills and accept the others

Refugee training program to raise skills and accept the others

Refugee training program to raise skills and accept the others


Refugees Programs in jordan
Iraqi & Syrian R.


Life Skills Training
Babysitting and Housekeeping Program


In cooperation between Caritas Jordan and Modern Language Center, a training program was held under the title:
Life Skills Training for Baby setting and Housekeeping to Syrian mothers. The training was held at Caritas Center/ Zarqa between August 22 till Septmeber19, 2015. It included subjects on communication, qualifying women to serve their community, and introduce kind of jobs they can do without breaking the law and how can they support themselves and their families. The professions entail: co-teacher, cooking, bus escort in a kindergarten or nursery, jobs that don’t require any job permit or high educational degrees. This training aimed at enhancing the importance of working and hard and never give up, which provides psychological and social support to women, their families and community.

26 women participated in the training and interviews were done with some of them by the end of the training to know how much it helped them and their plans for future, based on this training:

Refugees Programs in jordan

MLC Accommodation

Family Apartment 165sqm
Family Apartment 165sqm
Family Apartment 237sqm
Family Apartment 237sqm
Single Rooms
Single Rooms
Shared Rooms
Shared Rooms
Private Apartments
Private Apartments

برنامج اللاجئين في الاردن برنامج اللاجئين في الاردن
4.5 out of 5 based on 1553 user ratings.

Contact Information

Mob: +962 770 40 40 89
WhatsApp: +962 79 55 88 400

Tel. +962 6 462 55 82  /  0795588400

BOX 928007 Al-Abdali 11190
Jabal Elweibdeh next to the
police head department

Map Location


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